SunCommon was founded with a mission is to tear down the barriers to renewable energy and make going solar easy and affordable for all. SunCommon quickly became the largest residential solar installer in Vermont offering solar, community solar, and battery storage options to homeowners and small businesses. The company was organized as a Vermont Benefit Corporation and is a Certified B Corporation.

SunCommon has helped 8,000 homeowners go solar and has more than 2,000 community solar member households.  In 2018 SunCommon merged with Hudson Solar and began serving the Hudson Valley of New York.   In October 2021, SunCommon became a wholly owned subsidiary of iSun, Inc (Nasdaq: ISUN) a Vermont based publicly traded solar company with commercial, industrial, mobility and services divisions serving the eastern United States.

FreshTracks invested in SunCommon via FreshTracks Capital III, and FreshTracks Capital IV and exited when the company was acquired by iSun, Inc.